Thursday, 16 October 2014

Marobe Information

The Maroby Livestock market House located at the Bladiniers Estate in Port Vila, funded by the New Zealand Government, was officially opened on the 8th of April 2009 by the Deputy Prime Minister Ham Lini and New Zealand High Commissioner Jeff Langley.
In his opening speech, DPM Lini emphasized to the public that while the Government is encouraging big farmers to export to overseas market it is also keen on domestic trade. He added that the government could not do everything it could to help facilitate the sale of the farmers’ products, thus “If you have not taken up kava or copra projects then invest in farming livestock to earn revenue. In these times of financial crisis, climate change and price increase on food it is time to think heavy on food crops and raise animals rather depend on tin meat and tin fish.”
The Director of Livestock and Quarantine Services Benuel Tarilong further added that “This is just a model, if it is viable we will replicate it in other urban centers on Tafea, Malampa and Sanma.”
Right after the ribbon cutting ceremony the first sale began which comprised of farmers from the Shefa islands.
With the success of the first sale the livestock section decided to have sales once in every two months however since more farmers have requested to enter the market, sales have been organized on monthly basis.
So far the livestock section organizes markets that are attended by numerous buyers and sellers with hundreds of animals each month, many coming from Shefa, Penama and Malampa.
Morobay Livestock Market house has provided a framework to promote the interest of livestock owners and more of the livestock owners have requested to enter the market


A principle aim of the Livestock Section under the Department of Livestock and Quarantine (DLQ) is to facilitate improved livelihoods for livestock farmers in Vanuatu. So far the results have been good, with increases in the production especially from beef cattle industry, which is generating a lot of interest in smallholder farming. There are many more engaged in small livestock production (Pig, Goat & Poultry) than previously, however market access remains a major constraint and a stumbling block to this thriving industry.
This market constraint and the variation in the distribution of animals from place to place, makes most farmers sell their products at a low price therefore regarding small livestock production as a part time job. This also becomes a stumbling block to livestock extension services since the feedback from such extension activities are usually very low.
So, the Livestock Section decided to establish a site as a central point to collect and sell animals to address these issues.

The main purpose of the Livestock Market House is to provide a market venue for the farmers where they can sell their produces, which in turn will encourage them to change their views about small livestock being a part time activity and increase their production, then one way or another help to improve their financial status and for the community as a whole. The market outlet also provides a cheap source of protein rich in food to the urban population.

According to the Livestock Section the market house will benefit three main parties:
  • The farmers will have a central location to market his/her livestock 
  • It will encourage farmers to increase their production
  • Farmers can exchange animals to improve their breeding stock
  • Farmers will have the chance to discuss their difficulties and challenges with the Livestock Officers.
  • Saving cost of transport to farms by providing a centrally located sales yard
  • Farmers will be encouraged to sell at reasonable prices and these will be set comparable to the quality of products available
  • Provide a source of protein rich food
 Livestock Officer:
  • It will strengthen the working relationship of Livestock officers’ and farmers
  • Having farmers from different areas in one place will help in delivering extension information and find solutions to difficulties faced by farmers.
The livestock section has planned market sales and allocates different island to each months. Upon sale months the department organizes livestock extension programs to participating island to conduct livestock production awareness and also makes arrangements for the market. The livestock officer appoints a contact person who will be in charge of recording the entire amount of animals to be sold in the market. The contact person submits the details to the livestock officer, which will negotiate and make shipping arrangement for the transportation of the animals to Port Vila. Few weeks before the sale the livestock section ensures that the public are aware of the market sale by putting out advertisements through the local media, which includes FM 107, Paradise FM, Government Emails; also by putting up posters and also houses the live courage of by market during the sales.
Once shipping arrangements have been made, and the animals are being shipped to Port Vila the livestock section transports the animals to the livestock Market house and begin pricing of products. The contact person usually submits the farmers’ original price and with the help of the livestock officers the prices are being regulated to suit the product. During the sale both farmers and livestock officer collaborate to sell the animals and the money received are kept with the livestock section until all animals are being sold, then it is being released to that farmers after debts have been settled. Each farmer has to contribute to the total shipping cost, and once there contribution has been removed the rest of the money is being handed to them. This livestock marketing system has encouraged more farmers to participate in the market.


 The market house has reached its first year of operation in April of this year and so far results have been good, with increases in the production especially small livestock animals and the number of farmers willing to participate has increased tremendously.

Currently the department is under way to extent the market house to cater for more animals and food crops. With shipping of animals being the main constraint in terms of costing, the department future outlook is to establish similar market outlets in the other urban centers, namely Sanma, Malampa and Tafea. The main idea, being the Marobay Market house is just a trail Center to show farmers how money can be earned from small livestock. Once market outlets have been established in each province, apart from large celebrations, farmers will not have to attend the Marobay market house.

With that the Livestock Department continues to encourage rural people to engage in livestock farming to improve their livelihoods and overall increases their contribution to the economy of Vanuatu

Community Improvements

-       Livestock Committee ( limited budget, officers travel problems)
-       Proper registration of famers n product
-       Proper casing
-       Farmers to bring own food
-       Proper organization – committee organize well contact DLSQ to arrange transport.
-       Animal’s n crops, crops – limited perishable products.

 Over 38 million vatu has been generated since the establishment of the market until 2014 from the six provinces in Vanuatu.

250 vt
150 vt
150 vt
250 vt
250 vt

  • Dormitory provided for farmers to sleep on
  • Can hold 8 people
  • 2 Toilets & 1 bathrooms
  • Free water supply and Electricity
  • At night products are safe because all gates are lock.

  • Livestock department provide free service to transport farmers products from Wharf to Marobe sale yard.

Market outlets

-Steve any time from now on wards the market is free until December.

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